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Embracing Biblical Values

AEE CEO, Graham Yoko, shares what it means to embrace biblical values in the modern age amongst societal advancements that seem to contradict the Word. As Accelerated Education Enterprises, we have, over the past four decades, provided unapologetically God-centred Grade R – 12 education to learners through church schools and Christian schools in communities across […]

The Right Attitude Makes All the Difference

What’s the one thing that makes a teacher even better at their job? The right attitude! Explore how having a positive attitude can significantly impact the teaching and learning experience in the classroom.

Addressing Education in South Africa: Q & A with Mandla Mthembu

Education is the foundation of a nation’s economic progress and social development. Unfortunately, the education system in South Africa has not been able to keep up and deliver outcomes necessary to propel the country towards a transition from third world status. The reasons are far reaching, but as a nation we need to look forward […]

The Rights Of Parents In Education

As parents, we always strive to do what is best for our children. That often includes instilling familial, Biblical and wholesome values into our young ones’ hearts and minds. Where a problem can so often arise is when we send them out into the world for the first time i.e., school.

Is Online Education Reliable?

Education has been disrupted. The COVID pandemic has accelerated a transition that’s required South African schools to give serious consideration to online learning solutions.

Career Ready For The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Humankind stands on the brink of a 4th industrial revolution. The technology we use on a daily basis continues to grow more advanced by the day, and, as it does, it will begin to fundamentally change the way we work, live, relate, and communicate

Smart Choices: A Carefully Planned Solution

Life Orientation and life skills have been part of the South African school curriculum for years, teaching children about the various facets of adult life. However, the recently implemented Comprehensive Sexuality Education programme has provoked controversy.


20 - 22 September 2024

Give your learners the gift of an unforgettable weekend at the AEE Youth Camp!

This exciting getaway offers a perfect blend of fun, friendship and spiritual growth.