The Rights Of Parents In Education

As parents, we always strive to do what is best for our children. That often includes instilling familial, Biblical and wholesome values into our young ones’ hearts and minds. Where a problem can so often arise is when we send them out into the world for the first time i.e., school.
A Holistic Approach To Technology Enhanced Learning In Schools

Education, the learning experience, and the achievement of learning is a complex ecosystem.
Is Online Education Reliable?

Education has been disrupted. The COVID pandemic has accelerated a transition that’s required South African schools to give serious consideration to online learning solutions.
Career Ready For The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Humankind stands on the brink of a 4th industrial revolution. The technology we use on a daily basis continues to grow more advanced by the day, and, as it does, it will begin to fundamentally change the way we work, live, relate, and communicate
Why A Growth Mindset Is Essential For Positive Learning Outcomes

Have you ever thought “I wish I was better at sports,” or “I could never do that”? Well, unfortunately, we all have these thoughts now and again. Children and young adults…
Smart Choices: A Carefully Planned Solution

Life Orientation and life skills have been part of the South African school curriculum for years, teaching children about the various facets of adult life. However, the recently implemented Comprehensive Sexuality Education programme has provoked controversy.
How You Can Help Students Become Independent Learners

We all know a good education requires a great deal of teaching. However, the most important thing is not a teacher that teaches, but a learner who learns.
Study Skills For Meaningful Learning

Through the Foundation Phase (Grades R to 3) and the early stages of the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4 and 5), many learners are able to learn most, if not all, of the required content using rote learning techniques.
Do Your Children Know How To Set Life Goals?

Many of us have become content with merely going through the routine of getting up in the mornings, going to work, coming back to do the house chores and never seem to be able to break the cycle. Yet, when asked, we usually admit that we have unfulfilled dreams
Ghana By Divine Intervention

A CALLING – Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8