Embracing Biblical Values

AEE CEO, Graham Yoko, shares what it means to embrace biblical values in the modern age amongst societal advancements that seem to contradict the Word.

As Accelerated Education Enterprises, we have, over the past four decades, provided unapologetically God-centred Grade R – 12 education to learners through church schools and Christian schools in communities across Africa. Our vision has not changed, and our purpose remains laser focused. It has been amazing to witness how the Word of God has been transferred from generation to generation and the impact that these young people are having in their communities. The modern world, with its rapid technological advancements and cultural shifts, often finds itself at odds with traditional values rooted in the Word of God. As society evolves, the importance of returning to these timeless principles becomes increasingly evident. Traditional values, grounded in biblical teachings, offer a moral compass that can guide individuals and communities towards a more just, compassionate and stable communities.

Values found in the Word of God encompass a range of ethical and moral principles that have guided human behaviour for centuries. These include honesty, integrity, respect, love and compassion. The Bible provides a comprehensive moral framework that promotes personal and communal wellbeing. The burning issue is whether society chooses to embrace biblical values as the foundational source of truth or choose to believe the narrative being promoted by social media and television channels.

The apostle Paul issues a warning in Colossians 2:8 highlighting four instances that we can be diverted from God’s plan for our lives. “Beware lest anyone cheat you through:

  • philosophy,
  • empty deceit,
  • the tradition of men,
  • the basic principles of the world.”   

The use of the word “cheat” in Paul’s warning is significant. Nobody likes to be cheated or to discover that they have suffered loss as a result of being given false information. Think of a time where you were cheated out of something, how did you feel? This is precisely what we are being warned about here, the forces in the world are out to divert us from the destiny that God has for each individual.

One of the core reasons to return to biblical values is their universal relevance and timelessness. Unlike fleeting cultural trends, biblical principles provide a stable foundation that have proven true through the ages. For example, the Ten Commandments, which include directives like honouring one’s parents, refraining from stealing and bearing false witness, are not only biblical precepts but also essential guidelines for maintaining social order and trust.

How can we go about heeding Paul’s warning in practical application? 

  • Build a solid foundation – God’s word hidden in our hearts and applied in our lives.
  • Start young – invest in a Bible-based education that will equip the next generation to apply God’s word in all situations (Psalm 119:11 – I have hidden your Word in my heart so that I will not sin against you.)
  • Parents and educators model a Godly lifestyle to the next generation (1 Corinthians 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.)

The individualism, secularism and relativism that is prevalent in modern society, where moral and ethical boundaries are often blurred, can lead to confusion and conflict. The Word of God provides clear and unambiguous guidance on right and wrong, helping individuals navigate the moral dilemmas they face.

For instance, the principle of loving one’s neighbour as oneself, as taught by Jesus, fosters a culture of empathy and mutual respect. This teaching, found in the Gospels, encourages people to look beyond their own interests and consider the wellbeing of others, promoting social harmony and reducing conflict.

Strengthening Family Bonds
Traditional values based on the Bible emphasise the importance of family as the fundamental unit of society. In a time when the concept of family is being redefined and often undermined, returning to these values can help strengthen family bonds. Biblical teachings advocate for the sanctity of marriage, the importance of parental responsibility, and the honouring of one’s parents. These principles not only ensure the stability and continuity of families but also contribute to the overall health of society.

Strong families, built on biblical principles, provide a nurturing environment for children. They instil in them values of respect, responsibility and love, which are crucial for their development into responsible adults. The Bible’s emphasis on the role of parents in guiding and educating their children (Proverbs 22:6) underscores the importance of a stable and loving family structure.

Ethical Leadership and Governance
Leadership, whether in politics, business or community life, greatly benefits from traditional values rooted in the Word of God. Ethical leadership is essential for the prosperity and wellbeing of any society. Biblical principles such as justice, fairness, and servant leadership provide a blueprint for leaders to follow.

The teachings of Jesus on servant leadership, where leaders are called to serve others rather than dominate them (Mark 10:42 – 45), offer a transformative approach to leadership. This model contrasts sharply with the often self-serving leadership styles prevalent today. Leaders who embody these values can inspire trust, foster collaboration and create environments where everyone can thrive.

Promoting Social Justice and Compassion
The Bible is replete with calls for justice and compassion, emphasising the need to care for the marginalised and oppressed. Prophets like Isaiah and Amos spoke vehemently against social injustices and called for righteousness and equity. In the New Testament, Jesus’ ministry focused significantly on reaching out to the poor, the sick and the disenfranchised.

In a world where social inequalities and injustices persist, returning to these biblical values can inspire meaningful action towards social justice. The principle of loving one’s neighbour compels individuals and communities to work towards a more equitable society, where the rights and dignity of every person are upheld.

Cultivating Inner Peace and Fulfilment
Amid the materialism and relentless pursuit of success that characterise contemporary life, many individuals experience a sense of emptiness and discontent. Traditional values based on the Word of God offer a path to inner peace and fulfilment.

The Apostle Paul’s teachings on contentment (Philippians 4:11 – 13) remind us that true happiness and fulfilment come from a relationship with God and a life lived in accordance with His principles. This perspective helps individuals find meaning and purpose beyond the transient pleasures and pressures of modern life.

Returning to traditional values based on the Word of God is not about rejecting progress or clinging to outdated customs. Rather, it is about embracing the owner’s manual for mankind and applying the principles that can guide us towards a more ethical, compassionate, and stable society. These values provide moral clarity, strengthen family bonds, promote ethical leadership, advocate for social justice, and cultivate inner peace. In a world that often seems adrift, the timeless wisdom of the Bible offers a steadfast anchor, guiding individuals and communities towards a brighter, more harmonious future.

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