Embracing Biblical Values
AEE CEO, Graham Yoko, shares what it means to embrace biblical values in the modern age amongst societal advancements that seem to contradict the Word. As Accelerated Education Enterprises, we have, over the past four decades, provided unapologetically God-centred Grade R – 12 education to learners through church schools and Christian schools in communities across […]
The Right Attitude Makes All the Difference
What’s the one thing that makes a teacher even better at their job? The right attitude! Explore how having a positive attitude can significantly impact the teaching and learning experience in the classroom.
Addressing Education in South Africa: Q & A with Mandla Mthembu
Education is the foundation of a nation’s economic progress and social development. Unfortunately, the education system in South Africa has not been able to keep up and deliver outcomes necessary to propel the country towards a transition from third world status. The reasons are far reaching, but as a nation we need to look forward […]
Integrating Biblical Principles into Education
AEE CEO, Graham Yoko, shares some insight into what makes Christian education truly Christian, and how schools can go about ensuring they are offering authentic Christian education.